Tag: amwriting

Y is for Yikes!

Yes, I know the book was supposed to be out by now, but then I decided to sell my house and move a thousand miles. That took waaaaaaay longer than it was supposed to and involved tearing down large structures, giving away or selling a 20-year accumulation of STUFF, and packing one happy dog and two unhappy cats into a vehicle for a long drive. Cats plus long drive = no fun. Also they are terrified of ceiling fans. Who knew that was a thing?

It will leap down and murder me!

Now that I’m settled into the new place and the cats have chilled out a little, I have jumped back into book editing. Trust me, you don’t want to read it in its current state. So far I’ve deleted an entire group of characters, put them back, misplaced two horses, and cut out several thousand words. It’s still very long. You won’t miss them.

As soon as this thing is ready to go, you will be the first to know!

I also updated my website. Why was it not green to begin with? #oversight